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Dr. Christine talking with a patient

 Tending to Your Health with
Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine

Exciting news! I'm treating patients again beginning on May 20th. Click on the Book Now button above for more info. See you soon!

"Our bodies and health are like gardens. If we tend to them by giving them proper care, attention and love, we will thrive and be our best".

Acupuncture needles on a tray


Acupuncture is a relaxing and healing experience. Stressed? Trouble sleeping? Pain or arthritis? Digestive issues? Chronic illness? Dr. Christine can help you feel better! 
Herbs and Remedies in glass jars with chinese markings


Traditional Chinese Medicine has an impressive collection of herbal formulas that can treat just about any health challenge. Frequently combined with acupuncture, but can used alone very effectively. 
Hands massaging a back


With over 15 years of bodywork experience, Dr. Christine can provide you with a cupping, gua sha, or moxa treatment. Service catered specifically to your needs and goals.
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